Thursday, May 31, 2012

4 Months Post-Op

May 1, 2012
As I said last month, I get to focus on the time I am in my splint, rather than the time I am out. I now wear my splint in 2 hour increments, 3 times per day, and all night. I try to evenly space out the time throughout the day by keeping it in for 2 hours, out for 2 hours. Only wearing the splint for 6 hours a day has allowed me to do a lot more going out to eat and hanging out with friends. This being said, for the first few weeks after I switched to this new schedule my facial muscles were pretty sore by the end of the day. But now I am not getting sore at all. Overall, the new schedule has given me more freedom and a sense of normalcy that I needed.

May 14, 2012
After five weeks of weaning off 1/4 of a pill of my Klonopin per week, I am completely off of all of my daytime prescription medications. Now I only take Trazodone at bedtime, to prevent clenching in my sleep, and all of my vitamins and supplements. Here's a picture of what I take daily...

One of my fears going into the surgery was that I wouldn't be able to get off, or that I would have a whole lot of trouble getting off, the muscle relaxers. There were a couple of days when I didn't feel so good, I got a headache, my teeth were abnormally sensitive, and my braces started rubbing the inside of my mouth raw in spots. I had some facial and neck muscle tightness, and a few spasms/facial twitches as I reduced the levels. These side effects never lasted more than an hour or so, and I totally expected them, as I have been on different muscle relaxers for years. I won't lie, I got in one good 10 minute meltdown/cry, but once I got over the hump, things have been great. I have really tried to stay positive and focus on looking ahead. Working out has been the biggest help in relaxing my tight muscles. I cannot say enough good things about how much Pilates and walking/running continue to aid in my recovery. 

I do still have my Klonopin to take if needed. Although I would like to say that I will never need it again, there have been two occasions, when I really overdid my activity level, that I have taken a 1/4 tab since stopping it. I had to promise myself that I would listen to my body and take it if I felt I needed it. There is no point in being stubborn and suffering. The only thing that hasn't been so great, since I got off of the Klonopin, is that it takes me a lot longer to fall asleep at night. I wake up pretty easily during the night, as well. The interesting thing is, that I am getting less sleep, but I don't feel tired all day like I used to. I think my body is finally getting back into its own natural rhythm. I sleep about 8 hours per night now. 

It is truly amazing how being free of chronic pain has made me feel like a new person.  

Major Accomplishments this Month

I graduated from using baby spoons and a baby sized toothbrush. I'm back to normal sized items. I also moved up to #5 on my Therabite.

Since January, I have not trusted someone with scissors, a hard plastic comb, and a hot hair dryer anywhere near my healing ear incisions. However, my ears are finally less sensitive, and I was way overdue for a haircut. I was very adamant about telling my stylist not to touch my ears and she did a great job of steering clear. My sideburns have grown out a lot, too. They are down to my earlobes now and are almost long enough to tuck back behind my ears.

I can lay on my side and even sleep with my ear on my pillow without pain. However, I still try to sleep on my back as much as possible, and keep my chin off of the pillow when on my side, to reduce the pressure on my jaw.

Towards the end of four months, my stomach incision has finally become less sensitive. I can wear shorts and some pants without having to wear a gauze patch over my scar. However, there are still some jeans with which I have to wear a patch, because of where the button hits the incision.

I totally stopped drinking alcohol for the first 4 months after my surgery. I was on so many medications that I didn't want to risk any side effects. I also didn't really want to put anything unhealthy into my body while it was trying so hard to heal. However, after getting off of my Klonopin, I decided that I was over the hump and a nice glass of wine was in order. I'm not drinking much, but the experts say red wine is good for your health, right?

I've started hosting parties at my house again, and I've had lots of great events to attend over the last month! I flew by myself for the first time in mid-May and everything went well. My brother and his fiancee had a Couples' Shower for their upcoming wedding and also on that trip I got together with my extended family and a group of high school friends who I haven't seen in years, and we celebrated Mother's Day. The next big weekend was when my sister had her High School Graduation. All of these events have involved travel and lots of activity and talking for several days in a row. I thought I might start to feel bad, or get a few headaches, but no such luck. I felt way better than I could have ever imagined!

I'm the oldest of 5 kids, so when we all get together (with our significant others in tow), there is a lot of action and nonstop laughter! Even with all of the interaction, I cannot believe how great I felt! I am so thankful to have made so much progress over the last month.