Friday, March 15, 2013


Everyone keeps asking me if the last year totally changed me as a person. It’s funny, because when people asks this, they're clearly wanting you to say yes and explain why you’re so different. At first I wanted to tell people that it did, because I guess I thought that if everyone kept asking, it really should have. I don’t want to sound dismissive about the whole process, because it was a huge ordeal and is still ongoing, but I think more than changing me into a different person, it made me more myself. This surgery and healing process solidified who I am, what I stand for, and most importantly, it made me appreciate the people who love me unconditionally even more. So, my pain is gone, which has totally changed how I feel, and thus changed my lifestyle, but I don’t really think I am a different person at the core. Today, I am just a stronger, more blessed and appreciative version of myself.

  1. For better or worse and in sickness or health, can sometimes get very ugly (aka wearing a splint for a year), so marring my best friend was the greatest decision I ever made.
  2. Patience truly is a virtue.
  3. I am stronger than I ever imagined.
  4. Sometimes only siblings can make you smile and help you laugh at yourself.
  5. There is healing power in positivity.
  6. I only get by with a little help from my friends.
  7. Tears heal you as they flow.
  8. As a child, my parents gave me the greatest gifts in the world… faith and confidence.
  9. A dog really is a girl’s best friend.
  10. Nature heals and running outside refreshes the soul.
  11. Even during the darkest times, a bright light can shine from within.
  12. And finally, that there is a plan for my life and that everything truly happens for a reason. There is no point in asking why things happen, only how and what one can do to turn negative circumstances into positive situations.

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